Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Eco Bags For Life, Are Changing Lives

Women Empowerment, Our World Is Changing And So Are We.

Modern Day Slavery

The factory work with an NGO who operates in the district of Tamil Nadu in southern India, they work with the NGO to give employment to women who have been victims of sex trafficking, and help to rehabilitate them to prevent them from being re-trafficked.The factory also train their employees to understand what sexual harassment looks like to prevent any within their facility. Only with training and education can we eventually eradicate this behavior. The factory are using a gender lens to expose the issue of women’s treatment in their country and help to give women equal opportunities. Learn More

Women Empowerment

The ETI are including a Gender Lens to highlight women’s situation across the world, some countries especially where culturally woman are overlooked for opportunities there is a huge gap in advancement of women in the workplace. The factory employ 50% women and provide training and development in cut and sew through their dedicated training center for women. The factory work with a local NGO and have a programme where they employ and assist in the rehabilitation of sex trafficked women. To further support this they have an education programme where they provide support and learning to underprivileged children to improve their education. Learn More

We strive to produce quality and consistency with our products.

We all have a choice. Let’s stop sex trafficking in India

Sex Trafficking in India

Sex trafficking has become a billion-dollar business in India. In Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai, eight or more men repeatedly rape small girls as young as nine years old every night India’s sex trafficking is thriving and poverty is the most significant factor. Defenceless women and also girls are tempted by promises of false employment in the big cities and even some parents are in great need and sell their daughters to traffickers. The caste system worsens the problem because those who are trafficked into the sex trade come from underprivileged parts of Indian society. Learn More

Environmental Improvement

Green Energy – We striving to be Carbon Neutral. We produce 15 MW of clean energy / day through Solar and Wind energy. Our consumption is 10 MW / day and our surplus is diverted back into to the State government grid Water initiative by Rain water harvesting. We have a rain water harvest system which we utilize in drought periods. The factory have a programme where they plant saplings in and around the community to contribute to the preservation of the ECO system. Learn More

Our Environment Is Important. Lets make a greener future.